Purpose Bound Tokens

MultiKnip on stage at the United Nations

12/2024 "Programmable money to achieve Sustainable Development Goals" is the title of the talk that our founder Adri Wischmann will present at the year conference of the United Nations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on December 18th 2024 at the King Abdulaziz In...
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Merge Madrid

11/2024 PBTokn participated in the Spain&Latam Web3 conference in Madrid where our founder Adri Wischmann talked about Purpose Bound Money.
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MiCar Expert Roundtable Madrid

11/2024 Adri Wischmann (founder of PBTokn.com) was invited at the MiCar roundtable in Madrid where 30 experts from all over the globe discussed the upcoming changes pertaining to MiCar and the impact on the industry.
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Programmable Money in Berlin

06/2024 Adri Wischmann gave a workshop about Programmable Money at the 9th Blockchain@HTW Conference in Berlin
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MultiKnip at Frankfurt Digital Finance

02/2024 PBTokn participated in the Dutch Trademission to the Frankfurt Digital Finance Conference.
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INATBA nominates MultiKnip

01/2024 INATBA (International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications  https://inatba.org/ ) nominated MultiKnip in the category "most exciting public service blockchain project 2024" for the award ceremony in Brussels.
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